International child abduction - exercise of rights of access

When a child is taken or retained abroad by one of its parents or another person against the will of the other parent, for example following a vacation, those involved are often left feeling desperate and helpless. The same is true when a parent is prevented from or hindered in exercising his or her rights of access towards a child living abroad by the other parent. In these cases, the Central Authority on International Child Abduction at the Federal Office of Justice cooperates with its counterparts in other Contracting States in order to resolve such disputes as quickly as possible and in the best interests of the child concerned.

Joint parental responsibility since July 1st, 2014

The new provisions on joint parental responsibility came into force on 1 July 2014. Joint parental responsibility means that the parents decide jointly on all matters concerning the child. These may have repercussions on the assessment of the legality of a child being removed to or retained in another country. This document summarises the more important consequences and the legal principles behind them.

Mediation : a guide by International Social Service

In 2015, the International Social Service (ISS) has published an informative guide entitled: Resolving Family Conflicts. A Guide to International Family Mediation.

Last modification 08.08.2024

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Federal Office of Justice
Central authority for the handling of international child abductions
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CH-3003 Bern
T +41 58 463 88 64
F +41 58 462 78 64

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